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ToloMEO Embedded Assistant

ToloMEO Embedded Assistant [Preview]
ToloMEO is your Embedded Assistant. With ToloMEO the embedded is made easy. ToloMEO enables a number of services directly available on your embedded device. ToloMEO is natively supported on DAVE Embedded Systems' solutions and can be easily and quickly enabled on all embedded devices using System On Modules.

With ToloMEO is possible to access to access a suite of functionalities thanks to the available modules for IoT, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Cyber Security and last but not least, Embedded Device manager.

How ToloMEO works? ToloMEO is a web based platform which enables users to interact actively with edge devices remotely distributed on the field. The edge devices are configured with an ad-hoc SW distribution which support partially or completely the ToloMEO functionalities (Depend on device resources). Via an IoT secure link, ToloMEO can configure the edge device according to the users requirements. The users have access to all ToloMEO functions and can design their fleet management customizeing all aspects of ToloMEO

What ToloMEO offers? ToloMEO has various modules. The very basic module is the User and Data Management module which ensure users to define their fleet management system. Then IoT/Machine Learning/Blockchain module/Security and Embedded Manager modules are available with different level of optionals.


Is ToloMEO secure? Yes but depends on you, ToloMEO is designed for Healthcare applications. DATA Management is very crucial for us. We have defined different level of data protection and management. Then it is up to you to get them in order to get the best security level.

What's next? ToloMEO is not only a concept. It is a product and we are developing it. Some parts are already available. Just contact our team in order to get more information

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ToloMEO IoT Module

  • Data Orchestration and Preventive Maintenance
  • Device manager and Remote updates
  • Designed for Health applications

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ToloMEO Machine Learning Module

  • Federating Learning
  • Model design and integration

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ToloMEO Blockchain module

  • eIDAS regulation compliant
  • Digital contracts support

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ToloMEO Security module

  • VCE Monitoring
  • Security Patch Management
  • IEC 62443 compliant

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ToloMEO Embedded Manager

  • SW and HW life cycle management
  • Product ready platform

General Information Pricing Insights
Customer-service.png Online Technical Helpdesk
Sale-tag.png ToloMEO RFQ Request For Quotation