DESK-XZ7-L/Development/Creating and building the Vivado project

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DESK-XZ7-L-1.0.0-rc1 release


DESK-XZ7-L-1.0.1 release


DESK-XZ7-L-1.0.1 release
2024/12/03 Open Vivado project from Vivado GUI


Vivado installation path, in this documentation, is the /opt directory. If you have chosen a different one, set it properly. The commands reported here below have been used on a native server running Ubuntu 20.04.

Creating and building the Vivado project[edit | edit source]

The Vivado repository allows to:

  • track hardware/fpga related sources/configuration
  • reproduce hardware design output (FPGA bitstream, XSA) using TCL scripts

Development kit TCL scripts supported are the following one:

Script Boot
recreate_prj_bora.tcl uSD and QSPI-NOR
recreate_prj_bora_ETH1.tcl uSD and QSPI-NOR with ETH1 support
recreate_prj_borax_BASE.tcl uSD and QSPI-NOR
recreate_prj_borax_ETH1.tcl uSD and QSPI-NOR with ETH1 support
recreate_prj_boralite_BASE.tcl uSD and QSPI-NOR
recreate_prj_boralite_NAND.tcl uSD and NAND

As an example, to reproduce the build for the Bora platform, here below are the steps:

  • clone the repository:
git clone -b desk-xz7-l-1.1.0
cd vivado

or clone the Vivado repository when you clone Petalinux repository

git clone --recursive -b desk-xz7-l-1.1.0
cd petalinux/vivado
  • (only once as first tools setup) copy Bora hardware definition into Vivado installation path:
cp -r boards/ <vivado directory installation>/Xilinx/2021.2/Vivado/2021.2/data/
  • lunch Vivado Design Suite with the following commands and parameters:
source <vivado directory installation>/Xilinx/2021.2/Vivado/2021.2/
vivado -mode tcl -source scripts/recreate_prj_bora_BASE.tcl -notrace -tclargs "gen_bitstream"
  • at the end of the bitstream build process, the script automatically exports the Xilinx Support Archive (XSA) hardware design
    • the Vivado project vivado/bora.xpr is ready for customization through the Vivado GUI
      Load xpr file from Vivado GUI
    • the bitstream files are
      • vivado/bora.runs/impl_1/bora_wrapper.bit
      • vivado/bora.runs/impl_1/bora_wrapper.bin
    • the hardware design file vivado/bora.xsa is ready for the import into Petalinux

CAN0 and UART0 routing example project[edit | edit source]

The following pictures show a simple PL design used to route PS' CAN0 and UART0 signals through EMIO.

Block diagram of BORA example project
Block diagram of BORA Xpress example project
Block diagram of BORA Lite example project