AURA SOM/AURA Hardware/Peripherals/I2C

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Issue Date Notes
2023/09/13 First release

Peripheral I2C[edit | edit source]

LPI2C is a low-power Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) module that supports an efficient interface to an I2C bus as a controller and/or as a target.

The I2C interface available on AURA is based on i.MX93 SoC. The chip includes eight instances of LPI2C Modules:

  • LPI2C1 and LPI2C2 are in Low Power Real Time Domain
  • LPI2C[3..8] are in Application Flex Domain

Description[edit | edit source]

The LPI2C port supports the following standards and features:

  • Compliance with the System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 3
  • Standard, Fast, Fast+ and Ultra Fast modes
  • High-speed mode (HS) in target mode
  • Multi-controller, including synchronization and arbitration
  • Clock stretching
  • General call, seven-bit addressing, and ten-bit addressing
  • Software reset, START byte, and Device ID

The LPI2C controller supports:

  • Command/transmit/receive FIFO of 8 words (8-bit transmit data + 3-bit command or 8-bit receive data)
    • Command FIFO waits for idle I2C bus before initiating transfer.
  • Flags and optional interrupt signals at repeated START condition, STOP condition, loss of arbitration, unexpected NACK, and command word errors
  • Configurable bus idle timeout and pin-stuck-low timeout.

The LPI2C target supports:

  • Separate I2C target registers
  • 7-bit or 10-bit addressing, address range, SMBus alert, and general call address
  • Transmit/Receive data register that supports interrupt or DMA requests
  • Software-controllable ACK or NACK, with optional clock stretching on ACK/NACK bit
  • Configurable clock stretching
  • Flags and optional interrupt at end of packet, STOP condition, or bit error detection

Pin mapping[edit | edit source]

The Pin mapping is described in the Pinout table section