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Revision as of 15:54, 26 July 2012 by DevWikiAdmin (talk | contribs) ("Normal" mode)

Info Box
Dacu-top-view.png Applies to Dacu
Lizard.jpg Applies to Lizard



Dacu is an ARM Cortex-A8 industrial tablet platform, built around a carrier board hosting the Lizard CPU module

The following picture shows block diagram of Dacu:

Quick startEdit

This section describes how to quick start Dacu system.

"Full control" modeEdit

  1. connect the serial cable, provided with the board, to J3 pin-strip connector
  2. connect this cable to PC COM port through a NULL-modem cable (not provided)
  3. start your favourite terminal software on PC; communication parameters are:
    • baud rate: 115200 Bps
    • data bits: 8
    • stop bits: 1
    • parity: none
  4. connect the system to Ethernet LAN (RJ45 connector, J6)
  5. connect a 12Vcc power supply to to the power jack (JP2)

Once power has been applied, U-Boot bootloader will be executed and the following messages will be printed on serial console:

U-Boot 2009.11-00074-g34e0d5b-dirty (Jul 17 2012 - 11:00:55) [dacu-android-0.9.2]

AM35xx-GP ES2.0, L3-165MHz
DAVE Lizard board + LPDDR/NAND
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  256 MB
Flash: 32 MB
NAND:  1024 MiB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Die ID #7cf60001000000000160ae2d0b01e00a
Net:   davinci_emac_initialize
Ethernet PHY: GENERIC @ 0x11
DaVinci EMAC                                                                                                       
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                                                   

Once the boot process has completed, you'll get the default Android "desktop":

Android default lock screen

Moreover, you'll have immediate access to the Android shell, so you can use the shell commands to interact with the system and see the output messages on the console. Using the serial console doesn't prevent you from using also the adb tool to access the system.

"Normal" modeEdit

  1. connect the system to Ethernet LAN (RJ45 connector, J6)
  2. connect a 12Vcc power supply to to the power jack (JP2)

Once power has been applied, the system will boot loading the software components from the internal flash. Once the boot process has completed, you'll get the default Android "desktop":

You can now access the system using adb.

Running the Android Debug Bridge (ADB)Edit

ADB is a fundamental development tool and enables remote access to the Android device. ADB is provided with the Android SDK, so before using it you must install the SDK.

To establish the ADB connection, on the host machine launch the following commands:

$ export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/platform-tools
$ export ADBHOST=<target's ip address>
$ adb kill-server
$ adb start-server

To check the connection, please launch

$ adb devices 

If everything is working properly, you should see the following messages:

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554    device

You can open a remote shell using the following command:

$ adb shell

To install an application (in .apk format), you can use the following commmand:

$ adb install <path to apk>