MITO 8M Mini SOM/MITO 8M Mini Evaluation Kit/Interfaces and Connectors/MIPI

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Issue Date Notes
2022/05/04 First release

MIPI[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

J34 is a 20x2x1.00 mm One Piece Interface dedicated to the (optional) MIPI camera input and the PCI Express expansion bus interface.

This connector can be used as a Camera Interface for connecting an optional MIPI CSI-2 camera device.

Signals[edit | edit source]

The following table describes the interface signals:

Pin# SOM Pin# Pin name Pin function Pin Notes
1 - 5V_IN
3 J10.97 AUX_PWR_EN connected to SD2_WP (GPIO2_IO20)
19 J10.53 CAM_PWD connected to GPIO1_IO09
20 - 3V3
21 J10.51 CAM_RSTn connected to GPIO1_IO08
22 J10.60 CAM_CLK
25 J10.102 CSI_CLK0M_1
26 J10.48 CSI_SDA I2C3_SDA
27 J10.104 CSI_CLK0P_1
28 J10.38 CSI_SCL I2C3_SCL
31 J10.110 CSI_D1M_1
32 J10.106 CSI_D0M_1
33 J10.112 CSI_D1P_1
34 J10.108 CSI_D0P_1
37 J10.118 CSI_D3M_1
38 J10.114 CSI_D2M_1
39 J10.120 CSI_D3P_1
40 J10.116 CSI_D2P_1
5, 8, 11,
14, 17, 23,
24, 29, 30,
35, 36
- DGND Ground

Device mapping[edit | edit source]

The MIPI CSI peripheral is mapped to the corresponding /dev/video<X> device in Linux. The device mapping depends on the device tree configuration.