BORA Lite SOM/BELK-L/Pheripherals/Power meter

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Power consumption[edit | edit source]

Power consumption measure can be performed accessing the INA226 device connected to the I2C bus in the BoraEVB (U3). The following commands can be saved as a shell script (e.g. read_power_values) and run to collect the measurements data:

root@bora:~# cat


IN1=`cat $path_dev/in1_input`
IN0=`cat $path_dev/in0_input`
VOLTAGE=`awk "BEGIN {print ($IN1-$IN0)/1000}"`
CURRENT=`cat $path_dev/curr1_input`
CURRENT=`awk "BEGIN {print ($CURRENT)/1000}"`
POWER=`cat $path_dev/power1_input`
POWER=`awk "BEGIN {print ($POWER)/1000000}"`
echo "Voltage: ${VOLTAGE}, Current: ${CURRENT}, Power:${POWER}"
root@bora:~# ./
Voltage: 3.308, Current: 0.64, Power:2.175