Programmable logic (BORAXpress)

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Info Box
BORA Xpress.png Applies to BORA Xpress

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The following paragraphs describe in detail the available PL I/O signals and how they are routed to the BORA Xpress connectors. The Zynq-7000 AP SoC is split into I/O banks to allow for flexibility in the choice of I/O standards, thus each table reports one bank configuration. Moreover, BORA Xpress design allows carrier board to power all three PL banks in order to achieve complete flexibility in terms of I/O voltage levels too. For more details about PCB design considerations, please refer to the Advanced routing and carrier board design guidelines article.

The following table reports the I/O banks characteristics:

FPGA Bank XC7Z015 XC7Z030 Voltage Pins I/O Differentials Pairs
Bank 13 HR HR J3.95
50 24
Bank 34 HR HP J2.66
50 24
Bank 35 HR HP J1.2
50 24

FPGA I/O Bank definitions:

  • HR = High Range I/O with support for I/O voltage from 1.2V to 3.3V
  • HP = High Performance I/O with support for I/O voltage from 1.2V to 1.8V

Each user I/O is labeled IO_LXXY_Tn_ZZZ_ADi_#, where:

  • IO indicates a user I/O pin.
  • L indicates a differential pair, with XX a unique pair in the bank and Y = [P|N] for the positive/negative sides of the differential pair.
  • Tn indicates the memory byte group [0-3]
  • ZZZ indicates a MRCC, SRCC or DQS pin
  • ADi indicates a XADC (analog-to-digital converter) differential auxiliary analog input [0–15].
  • # indicates the bank number.

Here is a list of FPGA I/O actually used inside BORA Xpress SOM:

  • IO_L6P_T0_34 : CAN_RX
  • IO_L19P_T3_34 : CAN_TX