DESK-MX6-L/Deployment/Customizing the splash screen

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ID# Issue Date Notes


16/07/2021 First DESK release


04/03/2022 DESK 3.0.0 release

Customizing the splash screen[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

For further details on splash screen support in U-Boot, please refer to:

Instructions[edit | edit source]

The following U-Boot environment variables are required:

  • splashimage: RAM address where the BMP image is loaded. Please note that it must be a 32-bit aligned address with a 0x2 offset (eg: 0x20000002)
  • loadsplash: comand for loading the BMP image from the storage device (e.g flash memory) to RAM. This command is automatically run by U-Boot at startup
  • splashpos: image position (eg: splashpos=m,m, for centering the image)

Please note that loadsplash command will differ depends on used storage device.

Splash image in NOR SPI flash[edit | edit source]

U-Boot variables[edit | edit source]
loadsplash=run spi_loadsplash
spi_loadsplash=sf probe; sf read ${splashimage} 0xA00000 ${splashsize}
loadsplashfile=tftpboot ${loadaddr} axel/${splashfile}
spi_updatesplash=sf probe; sf erase 0xA00000 +${filesize}; sf write ${loadaddr} 0xA00000 ${filesize}
Commands[edit | edit source]

The following commands are used to store in NOR SPI flash a BMP image loaded via tftp:

run loadsplashfile
run spi_updatesplash

Splash image in NAND flash[edit | edit source]

U-Boot variables[edit | edit source]
loadsplash=run nand_loadsplash
nand_loadsplash=nand read ${splashimage} nand-splash ${splashsize}
loadsplashfile=tftpboot ${loadaddr} axel/${splashfile}
nand_updatesplash=nand erase.part nand-splash; nand write ${loadaddr} nand-splash ${filesize}

Please note that the NAND mtd partition for the splash image (nand-splash) is defined using the mtdparts parameter, and then referenced by the nand {erase,read,write} commands.

Commands[edit | edit source]

The following commands are used to store in NAND flash a BMP image loaded via tftp:

run loadsplashfile
run nand_updatesplash

Splash image in SD/eMMC[edit | edit source]

If an SD card or a eMMC device is used as boot device, the splashscreen image is directly loaded from the storage device.

U-Boot variables[edit | edit source]

In this example, the first partition - FAT format - is used directly reading the ${splashimage} BMP file.

loadsplash=run mmc_loadsplash
mmc_loadsplash=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:1 ${loadaddr} ${splashfile}; cp.b ${loadaddr} ${splashimage} ${filesize}