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DESK-MP1-L/General/Managed Virtual Machine (MVM)

Revision as of 12:56, 1 August 2023 by U0031 (talk | contribs)

ID# Issue Date Notes
X.Y.Z 01/08/2023 First DESK release


Virtual MachineEdit

DESK-MP1-L contains all the required software and documentation to start developing Linux application on the Etra platform. In particular, DESK-MP1-L provides a virtual machine, called DVDK, with the following features:

  • VirtualBox virtual machine (.OVA archive)
  • based on Lubuntu 20.04 LTS (64-bit version)
  • pre-installed VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • LXDE desktop environment
  • Source code, tools and services:
    • Arm trusted firmware (ATF): source tree cloned from DAVE Embedded Systems public git repository.
    • U-boot: source tree cloned from DAVE Embedded Systems public git repository.
    • Desk mp1 boot image: source tree cloned from DAVE Embedded Systems public git repository .
    • Kernel: ource tree cloned from DAVE Embedded Systems public git repository.
    • External pre-built toolchain.
    • Yocto package: all package needed for build BSP with yocto.
    • TFTP: service for download binary on U-boot, with base directory /tftp/.
    • NFS: root path of RFS on /home/dvdk/desk-mp1-l/rfs/desk-mp1-l/ directory.
  • administrator account (dvdk) with autologin. Please note that the user account credentials are provided with the development kit (you can find them in the README file contained in the sw/dvdk folder of the kit distribution).
    • user: dvdk
    • password: dvdk

Please note that atf, u-boot and kernel source trees are derived from the official trees released by ST; these trees have been customized to add support for the ETRA SOM.

Host setupEdit

As stated previously, ETRA SOM host tools are based on a Managed Virtual Machine.

It is also worth remembering that access to git repositories is required to download target source code. To enable it, please refer to this page.

MVM can be downloaded here. For accessing DESK Reserved area please contact our helpdesk support channel

To install it, please refer to this page.

Virtual Machine updatesEdit

The Ubuntu distribution may ask for an update, if available, due to the Update Notifier.


The updates are not required for the proper DESK Virtual Machine functionality.

Even if the update can be transparent to the VM normal operations, it is suggested to not install the updates. They may change (or in a worst-case corrupt) what has been tested and documented in our wiki pages

If this is annoying for you, it is possible to disable it.