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VIN0 to HDMI latency measurement (Naon)

174 bytes added, 07:38, 2 August 2012
The use of the two [[ADD-ON_DVI-RX]] boards allows to create two physical test points where the video stream under investigation in available in a easy-to-handle format, that is color components and syncs are available separately. At these points, it is possible to connect a standard oscilloscope through single-ended passive probes. Video stream contents are generated in order to embed a pattern that is easly detectable (1). Thus oscilloscope trigger can be configured in order to detect this condition and to measure precisely the latency between the two points of the chain where the probes are connected as shown in the picture. This measure includes the delay due to the second DVI-to-RGB conversion that it is assumed to be neglectable with respect to the overall latency.
From software standpoint, video4linux-based saLoopBack application has been used:
(1) Stream 1080p60 and is composed by an endless sequence of 1 black frame and 59 white frames.
The following pictures show a couple of oscilloscope screenshots.
Second picture shows a narrower time window - about 100ms - around the black frame, allowing to perform latecncy latency measurement. Latency measured by vertical cursors is around 63ms, that is about 3.78 frames.

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