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MISC-TN-005: Running AWS Greengrass Core on SBCSPG

67 bytes added, 14:29, 14 July 2021
Configuring AWS Greengrass on the cloud side and installing GGC on the edge device
{{AppliesTo SBC Lynx TN}}
{{AppliesTo IoT TN}}
{{WarningMessage|text=This technical note was validated against specific versions of hardware and software. It may not work with other versions.}}
Module 2 of the ''Getting started guide'' details how to setup the Greengrass service on the cloud side.
Once created the groupis created, disable the default Lamba functions containerization, as stated previously.
At the end of this step, a file has to be downloaded containing Core's security resources, which will be installed on the edge device. This archive also contains ''configuration information specific to your AWS IoT Greengrass core and the AWS IoT endpoint'', stored in the file <code>config.json</code>. After uncompressing it onto the SBCSPG, please verify that the <code>useSystemd</code> in <code>config.json</code> is set to ''yes''.
If everything is configured properly, after staring Greengrass Core daemon, you should see something like this in the following messages are logged into the <code>/greengrass/ggc/var/log/system/runtime.log</code>file:
==Deploying the test Lambda function to the edge device==
Module 3 (Part 1) of the ''Getting started guide'' shows hot to deploy a Lamba function⁠—which was created on the cloud⁠—to the edge device. This function, coded in Python, simply sends a "Hello, world!" message to the cloud at regular intrvalsintervals.
==Testing the execution of the Lambda function on the edge device==
Once the function has been deployed, on the edge device you should see the following messages appear in the <code>runtime.log</code> file.
<pre class="board-terminal">
[2019-08-07T11:41:02.43+02:00][INFO]-Start subscribing. {"numOfTopics": 2, "clientId": "SBCSPG_grp0_Core"}

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