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Android 4.0.3 ICS on DM814x (Naon)

2,353 bytes added, 14:32, 29 March 2013
Useful links
Texas Instruments provides the [ Android developement kits] for the Sitara platform, but an official release for the DM814x/AM387x processor is not yet available. However, it is possible to build Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) for the DM814x/AM387x processor and make it run on the Naon/Maya/Dido SoMs.
For further information on Android, please visit [[:Category:Android|Android category page]].
== Useful links ==
* [ Manifest file used for building]
* [ Downloading the source tree]
* [ YouTube video: Android ICS running on Naon]
= Demo board =
Android 4.0.3 ICS has been built to run on the following system:
* Naon SOM with TI DM8148 processor
* [[:Category:NaonEVB-Lite |NaonEVB-Lite ]] carrier board with custom add-on to provide display support
* 800x480 LCD display (mod )
* Capacitive touch screen
[[File:Naon-android-ics-board.jpg|thumb|none|border|500px|Android ICS on Naon - Demo board]]
= Configuring the build system =
 umask 0002export OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASEPATH=<path_to_toolchain>:$PATH export ARCH=armexport CROSS_COMPILE=/home/shared/devel/dave/naonarm-none-DAA/sw/linux/porsaria/android/rowboat-android/buildgnueabi-direxport OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE=<path_to_build_directory>
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR=/home/shared/devel/dave/naon-DAA/sw/linux/porsaria/android/rowboat-android/cache<path_to_build_cache_directory>
= Running Android on Naon =
== U-boot environment ==
The following u-boot environment variables must be set to run Android:
andrk=tftp ${loadaddr} android/uImage
andrcons=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=ttyO0,115200n8 androidboot.console=ttyO0 rootwait noinitrd init=/init rw earlyprintk
andrmem=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mem=364M vram=16M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=${notify_mem}
andrenv-nfs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${nfsserverip}:${andrroot} panic=5 loglevel=6 rootdelay=5
andrenv-mmc=setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext3 loglevel=8 rootdelay=2 panic=5
android=run andrk andrenv-nfs andrmem andrcons addip; bootm ${buf}
android-mmc=run andrk andrenv-mmc andrmem andrcons addip; bootm ${buf}
andrnand=run andrenv-mmc andrmem andrcons addip; sf probe 0:0; sf read ${loadaddr} 0x80000 0x400000; bootm ${loadaddr}
== Display type and resolution ==
Android detects the display resolution from framebuffer settings. To change the resolution, the load parameter of the vpss.ko module must be adjusted into the rc.syslink init file. Some examples are the following:
* for HDMI output at 1080p, the parameter is'''mode=hdmi:1080p-60,dvo2:800x480@60'''
* for HDMI output at 1600x1200, the parameter is '''mode=hdmi:1600x1200@60,dvo2:800x480@60'''
* for the 800x480 LCD display, the parameter is '''mode=hdmi:800x480@60,dvo2:lcd-ta1h'''
== Screenshots ==
[[File:Naon-android-ics-boot.jpg|thumb|none|border|500px|Android ICS on Naon - Boot]]
[[File:Naon-android-ics-desktop.jpg|thumb|none|border|500px|Android ICS on Naon - Desktop]]
[[File:Naon-android-ics-apps.jpg|thumb|none|border|500px|Android ICS on Naon - Apps]]
[[File:Naon-android-ics-info.jpg|thumb|none|border|500px|Android ICS on Naon - Info Screen]]

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