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|August October 2023
|First public release
''Federated learning enables multiple actors to build a common, robust machine learning model '''without sharing data, thus addressing critical issues such as data privacy, data security, data access rights and access to heterogeneous data'''. Its applications engage industries including defense, telecommunications, Internet of Things, and pharmaceuticals. A major open question is when/whether federated learning is preferable to pooled data learning. Another open question concerns the trustworthiness of the devices and the impact of malicious actors on the learned model.''
In principle, FL can be an extremely useful technique to address critical issues of industrial IoT (IIoT) applications. As such, it matches perfectly [[ToloMEO Embedded Assistant| DAVE Embedded Systems' IIoT platform, ToloMEO]]. This Technical Note (TN) illustrates how DAVE Embedded Systems explored, tested, and characterized some of the most promising open-source FL frameworks available to date. One of these frameworks might equip ToloMEO-compliant products in the future allowing our customers to implement federated learning systems easily. From the point of view of machine learning, therefore, we investigated if typical embedded architectures used today for industrial applications are suited for acting not only as inference platforms — we already dealt with this issue [[ML-TN-001 - AI at the edge: comparison of different embedded platforms - Part 1|here]] — but as training platforms as well.
In brief, the work consisted of the following steps:
== Criteria and initial, long list ==
For selecting the frameworks, several factors were taken into account:
* '''ML frameworks flexibility''': The adaptability of the framework to manage different ML frameworks.* '''Licensing''': It is mandatory that the framework has an open-source, permissive license to cope with the typical requirements of real-world use cases.* '''Repository rating and releases''': Rating in a repository is important for a FL framework as it indicates a high level of community interest and support, potentially leading to more contributions and improvements. Meanwhile, the first and latest releases indicate respectively the maturity and the support of the framework and whether it is released or still in a beta version.* '''Documentation and tutorials''': The provided documentation with related tutorials has to be complete and well-made.* '''Readiness for commercial usage''': The readiness of the framework to be developed in a real-world scenario. In order to establish the readiness, it was checked the version of the framework and the license.
According to the previous criteria, an initial list including the most promising FL frameworks was completed. It comprised of the following products:
* [ NVIDIA FL Application Runtime Environment] (NVFlare)
=== Licensing ===
The choice of a suitable license is of paramount importance for any FL framework. A well-crafted license provides a legal foundation that governs the usage, distribution, and modification of the framework’s source code and associated components. A permissive license, like the MIT License or Apache License, allows users to use, modify, and distribute the framework with relatively few restrictions. This encourages widespread adoption, fosters innovation, and facilitates contributions from a broader community of developers and researchers. The permissiveness of these licenses empowers users to incorporate the framework into their projects, even if hey have proprietary components. On the other hand, copyleft licenses, like the GNU GPL, require derived works to be distributed under the same terms, ensuring that any modifications or extensions to the framework remain open-source. While this may be more restrictive, it encourages a collaborative ecosystem where improvements are shared back with the community. A clear and well-defined license also provides legal protection to both developers and users, helping to mitigate potential legal risks and disputes. It ensures that contributors have granted appropriate rights to their work and helps maintain a healthy and sustainable development environment. Most of the frameworks previously described are under the Apache-2.0 license except one: IBMFL. In fact, it is under an unspecified license that makes the framework not suitable for commercial use. For that reason, IBMFL was discarded from the comparison too.
=== Repository rating and releases ===
Ratings in public repositories such as "stars" in GitHub are important because they serve as a measure of popularity and community interest in the project. When a repository achieves a good rating, it indicates that more developers and users find the project valuable and relevant. This can lead to several benefits:
* '''Visibility''': Repositories with good ratings are likely to appear higher in platform's search results, making it easier for others to discover and use the project.* '''Credibility''': High-rating repositories are often perceived as more trust-worthy and reliable, as they are vetted and endorsed by a larger user base.* '''Contributions''': Popular repositories tend to attract more contributions from developers, leading to a more active and vibrant community around the project.* '''Feedback''': Projects with good ratings are more likely to receive feedback, bug reports, and feature requests, helping the developers improve the software.* '''Maintenance''': Higher ratings can also stimulate the maintainers to keep the project updated and actively supported. Other important, rating-related aspects are the first and latest releases. Thanks to the latter, it is possible respectively to see the maturity of the framework and also how often it is updated, and thus the support behind it. Obviously, a framework that was born earlier than others is much more likely to have better ratings. Having this in mind, at the time of writing this thesis, the ranking in terms of received stars correlated with the first release for each framework is as follows:** '''PySyft''': 8.9k stars / Jan 19, 2020** '''FATE''': 5.1k stars / Feb 18, 2019** '''FedML''': 3.1k stars / Apr 30, 2022** '''Flower''': 2.8k stars / Nov 11, 2020 ** '''TFF''': 2.1k stars / Feb 20, 2019 ** '''OpenFL''': 567 stars / Feb 1, 2021 ** '''IBMFL''': 438 stars / Aug 28, 2020 ** '''NVFlare ''': 413 stars / Nov 23, 2021
These characteristics, although they certainly have a bearing on the choice of frameworks, were not enough to go so far as to discard any of the selected frameworks.
=== Documentation and tutorials ===
High quality documentation and well-crafted tutorials are essential considerations when selecting a FL framework. In fact, there are several reasons that are presented here below:
* '''Accessibility and Ease of Use''': Comprehensive documentation allows users to understand the framework’s functionalities, APIs, and usage quickly. It enables developers, researchers, and practitioners to get started with the framework efficiently, reducing the learning curve.* '''Accelerated Development''': Well-structured tutorials and examples demonstrate how to use the framework to build practical FL systems. They provide step-by-step guidance on setting up experiments, running code, and interpreting results. This expedites the development process and encourages experimentation with different configurations.* '''Error Prevention''': Clear documentation and good examples help users avoid common mistakes and errors during implementation. It provides troubleshooting tips and addresses frequently asked questions, reducing frustration and increasing user satisfaction.* '''Reliability and Robustness''': A well-documented framework indicates that developers have invested time in organizing their code and explaining its functionalities. This attention to detail suggests a more reliable and stable framework.* '''Maintenance''': Higher stars can also stimulate the maintainers to keep the project updated and actively supported.
Regarding this aspects, there are a lot of frameworks that still don’t have good documentation and tutorials. Among the latter, there are: PySyft, OpenFL and FedML. PySyft is still under construction, as the official repository says, and for that reason often the documentation is not up to date and is not complete. OpenFL, on its side, has very meager documentation and only a few tutorials that don’t explore a lot of ML frameworks or a lot of scenarios. The FedML framework also has, like PySyft, incomplete documentation because the project is born very recently and is still under development. Finally, the FATE framework has a complete and well-made documentation but very few tutorials and, because of its complex architecture, would have taken too much time. Because of these reasons, these four frameworks were discarded from the comparison.
== Final choice ==
At the beginning of this section, a total of eight frameworks were considered. Each framework was assessed based on various aspects and after an in-depth analysis, six frameworks were deemed unsuitable due to some requisites not being met. The requirements that were considered are summarized in the following table:
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These two remaining frameworks are then: '''Flower ''' and '''NVFlare'''. They demonstrated the potential to address the research objectives effectively and were well-aligned with the specific requirements of the FL project. Later, these two selected frameworks will be rigorously compared, examining their capabilities in handling diverse ML models, supporting various communication protocols, and accommodating heterogeneous client configurations. The comparison will delve into the frameworks’ performance, ease of integration, and potential for real-world deployment. By focusing on these two frameworks, this research aims to provide a detailed evaluation that can serve as a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers seeking to implement FL in a variety of scenarios. The selected frameworks will undergo comprehensive testing and analysis, enabling the subsequent sections to present an informed and insightful comparison, shedding light on their respective strengths and limitations.
= Flower vs NVFlare: an in-depth comparison =
At its core, ZCU104 integrates an array of processing elements including a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 Application Processing Unit (APU)<ref>Microprocessor that combines both traditional CPU and GPU cores onto a single chip.</ref>, which is based on an ARM64 architecture, and a dual-core ARM Cortex-R5 Real-Time Processing Unit (RPU)<ref>Dedicated hardware component or processor designed to execute tasks or operations with strict timing constraints. RPUs are commonly employed in systems that require immediate and predictable responses, such as embedded systems, robotics, and real-time control applications.</ref>. This processing power allows for efficient and parallel execution of complex [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1|ML inference algorithms]], making it an ideal choice for applications that demand real-time processing capabilities. It also features a Mali-400 MP2 Graphics Processing Unit, 16nm FinFET+ Programmable Logic, and 2 GB of DDR4 RAM. The peculiarity of this SoC that distinguishes it from competitors’ products is the fact that it integrates a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)<ref>Re-configurable hardware device that allows users to implement custom digital circuits and functions by programming its internal logic gates and interconnections.</ref>, which is strictly coupled to the ARM processors. The ZCU104 boasts an array of high-speed interfaces, such as Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0, and DisplayPort, enabling seamless connectivity with external devices and peripherals. From the other side, at the heart of the SBC ORCA lies the NXP i.MX8M Plus SoC featuring a quad-core Arm Cortex-A53 CPU, which is based on ARM64 architecture, and a powerful Neural Processing Unit (NPU). The inclusion of the NPU enhances the platform’s ability to accelerate ML workloads, providing significant speed-up and power efficiency for [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1|neural network-based inference algorithms]]. The SBC ORCA is equipped with ample memory resources, including 6 GB of LPDDR4 RAM, to accommodate large datasets and complex ML models. Even the SBC ORCA offers a variety of high-speed interfaces, such as Gigabit Ethernet, USB, and HDMI, which enable seamless connectivity with external devices and peripherals. The research environment deployed on the two embedded devices was meticulously constructed, incorporating Python’s virtual environment (<code>python-venv</code>). The environment utilizes <code>python-venv</code>, version 3.10.6, for the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 device and version 3.9.1 for the DAVE Embedded Systems SBC ORCA device, ensuring precise version control and compatibility tailored to each device’s capabilities. To ensure uniformity and maintainability across different environments, the same <code>requirements.txt</code> file employed in the VM environment was seamlessly integrated into the Python virtual environments of both embedded devices. By employing this unified approach, it was guaranteed that each virtual environment within the embedded devices closely mirrors the environment within the VM, thereby enhancing reproducibility and streamlining research tasks and experiments across diverse hardware platforms. Even in this case, the role of the server was performed by the notebook machine described previously. The following table illustrates the characteristics of the machines used for the "embedded environment".
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! Machine
! Component
| ARM64
| -
==== ML framework ====
Cross-entropy is commonly used in classification problems because it quantifies the difference between the predicted probabilities and the actual target labels, providing a measure of how well the model is performing in classifying the input data. In the context of CIFAR-10, where there are ten classes (e.g., airplanes,
cars, birds, etc.), the Cross-Entropy loss compares the predicted class probabilities with the true one-hot encoded labels for each input sample. It applies the logarithm to the probabilities and then sums up the negative log likelihoods across all classes. The objective is to minimize this loss function during the training process, which effectively encourages the model to assign high probabilities to the correct class labels and low probabilities to the incorrect ones. One of the reasons why Cross-Entropy Loss is considered suitable for CIFAR-10 and classification tasks, in general, is its ability to handle multi-class scenarios efficiently. By transforming the model’s output into probabilities through the softmax activation, it inherently captures the relationships between different classes, allowing for a more expressive representation of class likelihoods.
==== Client-side settings ====
==== Metrics ====
In order to make a good comparison, three of the most common and essential metrics were chosen to evaluate model performance and effectiveness. The chosen metrics are the following:
* '''Loss''': The the loss function quantifies the dissimilarity between the predicted output of the model and the actual ground truth labels in the training data. It provides a measure of how well the model is performing during training. The goal is to minimize the loss function, as a lower loss indicates that the model is better aligned with the training data.* '''Accuracy''': Accuracy accuracy is a fundamental metric used to assess the model’s overall performance. It represents the proportion of correctly predicted samples to the total number of samples in the dataset. A higher accuracy indicates that the model is making accurate predictions, while a lower accuracy suggests that the model might need further improvements. Calculating the accuracy of individual clients in a FL classification problem is important to assess the performance of each client’s local model. This helps in understanding how well each client is adapting to its local data distribution and making accurate predictions.* '''F1-score''': The the F1-score is a metric that combines both precision and recall to provide a balanced evaluation of the model’s performance, especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets. Precision measures the ratio of correctly predicted positive samples to all predicted positive samples, while recall measures the ratio of correctly predicted positive samples to all actual positive samples. The F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a single metric that considers both aspects.
==== Server-side settings ====
=== Results ===
 {| class="wikitable" style="margin: 0 auto;"
|+Flower running on SBC ORCA
!# of cores
For each experiment, three evaluations were performed:
* '''Global evaluation''': accuracy and F1-score at the end of each round of FL were tested.* '''Local evaluation''': accuracy and F1-score at the end of each round of FL were tested.* '''Training evaluation''': it was computed loss, accuracy, and F1-score.
Experiments were run both in the local and cloud environments. Detailed results are illustrated in [1]. In essence, the results are very similar for both frameworks. Thus, they can be considered equivalent from the point of view of the metrics considered. It is also very important to note that for all the results regarding the cloud environment, there are '''very similar values between the testbed based on virtual machines and the one based on embedded devices'''. This is not obvious because moving from virtualized, x86-powered clients to ARM64-powered clients entails several issues that can affect the results of the FL application. Among these, it is worth to remember the following:
* '''Limited hardware resources''': Embedded devices often have limited hardware resources, such as CPU, memory and computing power. This restriction can affect the performance of FL, especially if models are complex or operations require many resources.* '''Hardware variations''': Embedded devices may have hardware variations between them, even if they belong to the same class. These hardware differences may lead to different behaviors in FL models, requiring more robustness in adapting to different devices.* '''Variations in workload''': Embedded device applications may have very different workloads from those simulated in a virtual environment. These variations may lead to different requirements for FL.
In conclusion, from a functional perspective, both frameworks passed the test suite. More details about their performances in terms of execution time can be found in [[#Execution time|this section]].
As part of the comparison between NVFlare and Flower, a method of evaluation involved the analysis of execution time across 4-core and 1-core settings. This approach aimed to assess both the degree of parallelism and the overall speed of the frameworks in completing assigned tasks. The entire analysis was conducted using the DAVE Embedded Systems SBC ORCA embedded device presented earlier, reflecting scenarios in industrial or corporate contexts where not all cores might be available within an FL architecture due to other ongoing tasks. In such cases, there might be only one core available for utilization. The reduction of cores from 4 to 1 was done by means of a kernel-level setting of the cores via the command line parameter <code>maxcpus=1</code>. The setup used for this test was the following:
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! Framework
! # clients
== Advanced system design ==
To the end of performing more advanced testing, the same problem described in chapter "Flower vs NVFlare: an in-depth comparison" was leveraged. However, the test bed was tuned in order to increase the complexity of the use case as detailed in the rest of this chapter. The design settings of this advanced FL system remain consistent with those utilised utilized in the previous comparison between NVFlare and Flower, referred to  as the "Local Environment" in section 4.1.1, unless some changes. In this sce- narioscenario, the same desktop machine was utilisedutilized, equipped with an NVidia RTX 3080 Ti GPU. The ML framework, Pytorch, remained consistent, as did the Data Preprocessing involving Dataset selection, Dataset splitting, and Data augmentation. However, a significant alteration change was introduced between the initial two design components, elaborated upon in subsection 4.1.4, referred to as regarding "Data heterogeneity". The Model configuration and client-side set- tings settings also remained unchanged. Minor adjustments were made to the met- rics metrics taken into consideration, focusing exclusively on two: local training loss and server validation accuracy. On the server side, the configuration under- went underwent modifications. While maintaining a count of four clients, the number of communication rounds was elevated to 20 in this particular scenario. == FL Algorithms and Centralised Simulation ==One of the two main changes made to the system design was to simulate a centralised training baseline and to consider two other algorithms in addition to FedAvg. The centralised training was conducted using a single client for 20 local epochs, aiming to simulate a ML environment. This approach served as a reference point for comparison against various instances of FL. The other two FL algorithms employed in this study are Federated Op- timisation (FedProx) [37] and Stochastic Controlled Averaging for FL (Scaf- fold) [52]. Starting with FedProx, this algorithm extends the conventional FedAvg method by introducing a proximal term. The proximal term adds a regulari- sation factor to the optimisation process, enhancing the convergence rate and stability of the model across participating clients. FedProx achieves this by optimising the global model using both local updates and a global proximal term, which balances the contributions of individual clients while preventing
== FL algorithms and centralized simulation ==One of the two main changes made to the system design was to simulate a centralized training baseline and to consider two other algorithms in addition to FedAvg. The centralized training was conducted using a single client for 20 local epochs, aiming to simulate a ML environment. This approach served as a reference point for comparison against various instances of FL. The other two FL algorithms employed in this study are Federated Optimisation (FedProx) and Stochastic Controlled Averaging for FL (Scaffold). Starting with FedProx, this algorithm extends the conventional FedAvg method by introducing a proximal term. The proximal term adds a regularization factor to the optimization process, enhancing the convergence rate and stability of the model across participating clients. FedProx achieves this by optimizing the global model using both local updates and a global proximal term, which balances the contributions of individual clients while preventing divergence.
Moving on to Scaffold, this approach focuses on refining the aggregation step of FL. It introduces controlled averaging by employing the variance of model updates as a control signal. This can be better seen in allows Scaffold to dynamically adjust the aggregation weight of each client’s update based on their historical per-ormance. By doing so, the algorithm mitigates the effects of noisy updates, improving the overall convergence of the Listing 5FL process.1:
== Data heterogeneity ==
In this advanced project, an additional feature was incorporated involvingthe integration of classes aimed at performing dataset splitting among the designated clients, which, in this instance, were four in number. In addition to dividing the dataset into four subsets, the possibility of choosing the level of heterogeneity of the data was added by applying the Dirichlet sampling strategy. Thus, it was possible to dynamically adjust the degree of data heterogeneity for each client bringing higher. This functionality made it possible to simultaneously customize the level of data heterogeneity across all clients. In the context of FL, this data heterogeneity can be defined as follows:* '''Low Data Heterogeneity''': Low heterogeneity means that the data across different clients is quite similar or homogeneous. There is little variation among the data held by different clients. This leads to nearly balanced classes among clients, that is classes with a similar number of samples in each class.* '''High Data Heterogeneity''': High heterogeneity means that there is significant diversity in the data across different clients or nodes. This means that every subset assigned to each client contains unbalanced classes, i.e. some classes may be over-represented in some customers, while others may be under-represented.In order to have a clear comparison within the experiments, the upper and lower extremes of the α factor affecting heterogeneity were considered, i.e. 0.1 and 1.0.
== Results analysis ==A series of seven experiments were conducted. The first experiment involved a centralised simulation, while the integration of classes aimed at performing dataset splitting among remaining six experiments focused on testing three different algorithms: FedAvg, FedProx and Scaffold. Specifically, each algorithm was tested twice: the first time with α = 0.1 and thesecond time with α = 1.0.
designated clients, whichThe following figure represents the local <code>training_loss</code> obtained running the quoted experiments. As can be seen, the loss of the centralized simulation isn’t good enough to keep up with the other experiments that reach a bit lower loss values. This shows the effectiveness of the FL algorithms compared to a classical ML approach. It can also be noticed the same behavior obtained in this instancesection with the previous test bed, were four in numberwhere at the beginning of each round the loss go instantly higher compared to the last epoch of the previous round to get lower with later epochs. Another important thing to note is how experiments with an alpha value of 0.1 perform worse than their counterpart evaluated from an alpha value of 1.0. In addition
to dividing the dataset into four subsets, the possibility of choosing the[[File:NVFlare-local-training-loss.png|center|thumb|727x727px|NVFlare: local training loss.]]
level of heterogeneity of This factor becomes even more evident when observing the following chart, which illustrates the server <code>validation_accuracy</code>. This is due to the fact that there are more unbalanced classes within each client’s dataset and this leads models trained on classes with less data [48] was added by applying the Dirichletto have difficulty generalizing correctly. Models are more inclined to predict dominant classes, reducing accuracy on less represented classes. The poor representation of some classes makes it difficult for models to learn from them, leading to lower overall accuracy.
sampling strategy [36[File:NVFlare-server-validation-accuracy.png|center|thumb|732x732px|NVFlare: server validation accuracy.]].
Analyzing the individual algorithms, it can be seen a very similar behavior between FedAvg and FedProx, which have very similar results in terms of both local <code>training_loss</code> and server <code>validation_accuracy</code>. This is mainly due to the fact that they are very similar to each other minus a proximity term mu, in the case of FedProx, which improves the convergence ratio. The Dirichlet distribution is Scaffold algorithm, on the other hand, has a distribution over vectors x that fulfil totally different implementation from its predecessors, which allows to dynamic adjustment of the aggregation weight of each client’s update based on their historical performance, and thus achieves better performance, especially when using unbalanced classes (α = 0.1). This can easily be seen in theserver <code>validation_accuracy</code> graph.
== Results analysis ==A series The successful execution of seven experiments were conducted. The first experiment involved a centralised simulationthis more complex use case on NVFlare, while the remaining six experiments focused on test- ing three different involving multiple tested algorithms: FedAvgand diverse data heterogeneity, FedProx further underscores the framework’s robust capabilities and Scaffoldsuitability for a wide range of scenarios. SpecificallyThis result confirms the versatility of NVFlare as a FL frameworkeach algorithm was tested twice: the first time making it a reliable choice for real-world scenarios dealing with α = 0.1 heterogeneous and the second time with α = 1.0complex data.
= Conclusions and future work =
TBD One The analysis detailed in previous chapter allows to say that NVFlare is a viable framework for building real-world Federated Learning systems that make use of Linux-powered embedded platforms as clients. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that one important issue that was purposely not addressed , yet is . For the sake of simplicity, this work did not consider the problem of labeling of new samples. In other words, it was implicitly assumed that new samples collected by the clients are somehow labelled prior to being used for training. This is a strong assumption because implies . In reality, system architects can not overlook this fundamental issue when designing FL-based solutions. This is especially true in industrial environments where clients are often unattended devices that labeling of new samples issue* operate standalone. To date, this topic hes not been investigated thoroughly yet. For instance, [* this article] mentions it without providing practical solutions, however. Generally speaking, it seems that for industrial applications the use of unsupervised learning?**techniques could be a promising approach (see for example [ paper]). In any case, the problem of labeling new samples will have to be addressed in future works to make Federated Learning truly available for real applications in the space of Industrial IoT.

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