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Standalone boot (SDVX)

220 bytes added, 12:07, 1 October 2018
... into eMMC
Update to the latest u-boot version allows usage of u-boot environment variables available.
mmc_update=mmc dev; setexpr blocks ${filesize} / 0x200; setexpr blocks ${blocks} + 1; mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blocks}
<pre class="board-terminal">
mmc_loadk=fatload mmc 0${mmcdev}:1 ${loadaddr} ${bootfile}mmc_loadfdt=fatload mmc 0${mmcdev}:1 ${fdtaddr} ${fdtfile}
mmc_loadsplash=fatload mmc ${mmcdev}:1 ${loadaddr} ${splashfile}; cp.b ${loadaddr} ${splashimage} ${filesize}
mmc_update=mmc dev; setexpr blocks ${filesize} / 0x200; setexpr blocks ${blocks} + 1; mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blocks}
mmcargs=setenv bootargs root=${mmcroot}
mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk2p2 rootwait rw
* Update the Using an SD card or an eMMC device assumes that <code>bootfile</code> and , <code>fdtfile</code> environment variables to fit the filename as found inside the TFTP server.* Program kernel and <code>splashfile</code> are stored into fist MMC device tree on the MMC with the following u-Boot commandpartition.
<pre class="boardThen, u-terminal">boot uses the previous listed commands for reading the binary images and starting the linux bootstrap from the ''MMC part 2'' (which is reserved for the root-file system storage).
The following u-boot environment variables are present for this purposes:
mmcargs=setenv bootargs root=${mmcroot}
mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk2p2 rootwait rw