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Building the Linux kernel
Import the hardware specification file (.hdf) generated by your Vivado project. This step will open automatically the text-based configuration menu of PetaLinux build system: when it shows up, just exit and save the configuration without changing enythinganything.
<pre class="workstation-terminal">
dvdk@osboxes:~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=/home/dvdk/devel/bora/bora-minimal/bora-minimal.sdk/INFO: Getting hardware description...INFO: Rename bora_wrapper.hdf to system.hdf[INFO] generating Kconfig for project [INFO] menuconfig project/home/dvdk/devel/bora/prj/bora_1/build/misc/config/Kconfig.syshw:30:warning: defaults for choice values not supported/home/dvdk/devel/bora/prj/bora_1/build/misc/config/Kconfig:574:warning: config symbol defined without typeconfiguration written to /home/dvdk/devel/bora/prj/bora_1/project-spec/configs/config *** End of the configuration.*** Execute 'make' to start the build or try 'make help'. [INFO] sourcing bitbake[INFO] generating plnxtool conf[INFO] generating meta-plnx-generated layer~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1/build/misc/plnx-generated ~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1[INFO] generating machine configuration[INFO] generating bbappends for project . This may take time ! ~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1/build/misc/plnx-generated ~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1[INFO] generating u-boot configuration files [INFO] generating kernel configuration files[INFO] generating kconfig for RootfsGenerate rootfs kconfig[INFO] oldconfig rootfs[INFO] generating
[[File:belk_petalinux_kernel1.png|thumb|center|600px|caption]] Your project tree should look like thisat this point:
<pre class="workstation-terminal">
dvdk@osboxes:~/devel/bora/prj/bora_1$ tree -d
├── build
│   ├── cache
│   ├── conf
│   ├── misc
│   │   ├── config
│   │   │   ├── data
│   │   │   └── hw-description
│   │   ├── plnx-generated
│   │   └── rootfs_config
│   └── tmp
│   └── cache
│   └── linaro-glibc
│   └── plnx_arm
│   └── x86_64
├── components
│   └── plnx_workspace
└── project-spec
├── configs
├── hw-description
├── meta-plnx-generated
│   ├── conf
│   │   └── machine
│   ├── recipes-bsp
│   │   ├── device-tree
│   │   ├── fsbl
│   │   ├── hdf
│   │   └── u-boot
│   │   └── configs
│   ├── recipes-core
│   │   ├── busybox
│   │   │   └── files
│   │   └── images
│   └── recipes-kernel
│   └── linux
│   └── configs
└── meta-user
├── conf
├── recipes-apps
│   ├── gpio-demo
│   │   └── files
│   └── peekpoke
│   └── files
├── recipes-bsp
│   ├── device-tree
│   │   └── files
│   └── u-boot
│   └── files
└── recipes-core
└── images
49 directories
Clone the Linux kernel sources from DAVE's git repisitory in the :
kernel directory
<pre class="workstation-terminal">
git clone -b bora-4.x.x
Cloning into 'linux-xlnx'...
Replace the file <code>xilinx_zynq_defconfig</code> with a symbolic link to <code>bora_defconfig</code>:
<pre class="workstation-terminal">
dvdk@osboxes:~/devel/bora/prj/bora1/components/ext_sources/linux-xlnx$ cd arch/arm/configs/
dvdk@osboxes:~/devel/bora/prj/bora1/components/ext_sources/linux-xlnx/arch/arm/configs$ rm xilinx_zynq_defconfig
dvdk@osboxes:~/devel/bora/prj/bora1/components/ext_sources/linux-xlnx/arch/arm/configs$ ll xilinx_zynq_defconfig
lrwxrwxrwx 1 dvdk dvdk 14 set 21 10:30 xilinx_zynq_defconfig -> bora_defconfig
kernel directory
<pre class="workstation-terminal">