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{{AppliesToAxelEsattaAppliesToAXEL Lite TN}}{{AppliesToSBCX}}{{AppliesToIoT}}{{AppliesToMachineLearning}}
{{WarningMessage|text=This technical note was validated against specific versions of hardware and software. It may not work with other versions.}}
2019-10-25 11:17:21,594 - DEBUG - Exiting ...
The image was classified as a "Red Apple" because the probability associated with this class was by far the highest (almost 97%).
[[File:Red-apple.jpg|thumb|center|300px|The image shown in the previous example]]
During the execution of the test application, the status of the processes and the ARM cores was observed with the help of the <code>htop</code> tool.
[[File:SBCX-image-classifier-1.png|thumb|center|600px|<code>htop</code> during the execution of the test application]]
During the execution of the test application, the status of the processes and the ARM cores was observed with the help of the <code>htop</code> tool. By default, the scaling governor is set to interactive:
<pre class="board-terminal">
root@sbcx:~# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

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