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Model configuration
===== Model architecture =====
The model architecture plays a crucial role in defining how the data flows through the network, the number and type of layers, the connections between neurons, and the activation functions applied at different stages. Since the main purpose of this work is to compare two frameworks, the choice of architecture was made so as in order to maximise as much as possible :* maximize the selected metrics chosen at the end of the training but * limiting the resource demands on the part of the model and thus also the time required to complete the process.
====== Cloud environment ======
The model architecture chosen for the cloud part prioritises environment prioritizes simplicity and compatibility with the resource-constrained CPUs of embedded devices and virtual machines. This decision was motivated by the need for a lightweight and efficient model that can be easily deployed and executed on various devices participating in the FL system. For that reason, the architecture chosen for the cloud part of this work is a model taken from the "Training a classifier" tutorial available on the official PyTorch website [22] (Listing 4.2). This selection fits perfectly with the request for a lightweight model that could still deliver satisfactory results. The model of choice is a sequential one since they are often suitable and widely used for classification problems [61]. It is a type of NN architecture composed by a plain stack of layers where each layer has exactly one input tensor and one output tensor. As shown in the figure, the model consists of several layers, starting with two Convolutional layers (Conv2d) that process the input data followed by MaxPooling layers (MaxPool2d) that reduce the spatial dimensions. Afterwards, there are three fully connected layers (Lin- ear) responsible for the final classification. The model has a total of 62,006 parameters, which are the trainable weights and biases within the layers. These parameters are optimised during the training process to achieve accu- rate predictions. The model architecture is suitable for tasks such as image classification and demonstrates a balance between depth and complexity, allowing for efficient training and satisfactory performance.
====== Local environment ======
A more complex model architecture was chosen for the local environment to leverage the usage of an NVidia GPU for model training. This decision was driven by the aim to harness the computational power of the GPU and expedite the training process, ultimately leading to improved model performance and more efficient training. This led to better metrics results compared to the cloud counterpart. In this case, the architecture that was chosen is indeed the ResNet-18 [5], as shown in Listing 4.3. ResNet-18 is a highly effective DL model for image classification tasks, known for its ability to handle deeper architectures without sacrificing performance. It performs exceptionally well with the CIFAR-10 dataset and is computationally efficient. In the context of this work, the choice was to use ResNet-18 in the ’weights=DEFAULT’ mode since it offers several advantages. The ’DE- FAULT’ mode simplifies integration into the FL system and allows for faster convergence and better generalisation through transfer learning with pre- trained weights. In fact, this means that the model was initially trained on a large dataset, typically for a different task (e.g., ImageNet classification), and its learned weights and parameters were saved. Instead of training the model from scratch on a new task, you start with these pre-trained weights as an initialisation. The layers can be summarised as follows: 1. Convolutional Layers (Conv2d): The initial layer of ResNet-18 consists of a 2D convolution operation that convolves the input image with a set of learnable filters. These filters help detect various low-level features, such as edges and corners, in the input image. 2. Batch Normalization Layers (BatchNorm2d): After each convolutional layer, batch normalization is applied, which normalizes the output of the previous layer to improve training stability and accelerate conver- gence. 3. Rectified Linear Unit Activation (ReLU): Following the batch nor- malization, a non-linear activation function called ReLU is applied element-wise to introduce non-linearity into the model and allow it to learn complex features. 4. Max Pooling Layers (MaxPool2d): After the initial convolutional block, max pooling layers are used to downsample the spatial dimensions of the feature maps, reducing computational complexity while retaining important information. 5. Basic Blocks: The ResNet-18 model utilizes a series of eight basic blocks, of which for simplicity only four are visible visible in the code above, each consisting of multiple convolutional and batch normaliza- tion layers. The basic blocks are designed to mitigate the vanishing gradient problem and allow the model to be deeper without perfor- mance degradation. 6. Adaptive Average Pooling (AdaptiveAvgPool2d): The adaptive average pooling layer aggregates the spatial dimensions of the feature maps into a fixed size, ensuring the model can handle input images of varying sizes and aspect ratios. 7. Fully Connected Layers (Linear): Towards the end of the model, adap- tive average pooling is applied to convert the spatial dimensions of the feature maps into a fixed size. Subsequently, fully connected layers are used to perform classification based on the learned features. The Resnet-18 model used was also modified with custom fully connected layers (Linear) in order to accommodate a different output classification task. In the original ResNet-18, the model was designed for image classification with 1,000 output classes. However, in this modified version, the number of output classes was reduced to just 10 to align with the specific classification problem at hand. By reducing the number of output classes, the model’s architecture becomes more tailored to the target classification task, which, in turn, reduces the number of trainable parameters by about half million parameters.
===== Optimizer =====
The optimiser optimizer chosen, presented in the introduction paragraph, is the SGD since it is a popular optimiser optimizer for classification problems due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It was tuned using some hyperparameters: momentum and learning rate. Momentum is a technique used to accelerate the convergence of the op- timisation optimization process and improve its stability. It addresses the issue of slow convergence and oscillations in the loss function by introducing a "velocity" term that helps the optimiser optimizer navigate the optimisation optimization landscape more ef- ficientlyefficiently. The value of 0.9 that was chosen, meaning that the optimiser optimizer gives more weight to the past accumulated gradients, leading to smoother updates. Learning rate is a hyperparameter that determines the step size at which the model updates its weights during the optimisation optimization process. It controls how much the model adjusts its internal parameters in response to the error calculated during training. In this case the chosen learning rate of 0.001 strikes a balance between making smaller, more precise steps towards the optimal solution and avoiding overshooting or oscillations during the opti- misation optimization process.
===== Criterion =====
Cross-entropy is commonly used in classification problems because it quanquantifies the difference between the predicted probabilities and the actual target labels, providing a measure of how well the model is performing in classifying the input data. In the context of CIFAR-10, where there are ten classes (e.g., airplanes,
tifies cars, birds, etc.), the difference between Cross-Entropy loss compares the predicted class probabilities and with the actual targettrue one-hot encoded labels for each input sample. It applies
labels, providing a measure of how well the model is performing in classifying the input data. This can be expressed using this formula: where (y) is the target probability, (p) is the predicted probability, and (m) is the number of classes. So that is how “wrong” or “far away” the prediction is from the true distribution. In the context of CIFAR-10, where there are ten classes (e.g., airplanes, cars, birds, etc.), the Cross-Entropy loss compares the predicted class proba- bilities with the true one-hot encoded labels for each input sample. It applies the logarithm to the probabilities and then sums up the negative log like- lihoods likelihoods across all classes. The objective is to minimize this loss function during the training process, which effectively encourages the model to as- sign assign high probabilities to the correct class labels and low probabilities to the incorrect ones. One of the reasons why Cross-Entropy Loss is considered suitable for CIFAR-10 and classification tasks, in general, is its ability to handle multi- class scenarios efficiently. By transforming the model’s output into probabil- ities probabilities through the softmax activation, it inherently captures the relationships between different classes, allowing for a more expressive representation of class likelihoods.
==== Client-side settings ====
On the client side, three important tasks including training, validation , and testing are being performed. Each task comes to be executed by every client participating in the FL infrastructure. At the end of a cycle, tasks come to be blocked temporarily so that the results accumulated up to that point are sent to the server, which will take care of aggregating them. Once aggregated, each client will start again with the tasks assigned to it from the data formed by the server. The model is trained for 3 epochs in the case of the cloud environment and for 4 epochs in the case of the local environment. The total steps per epoch in both cases is for each task of 1250 steps.
==== Aggregation algorithm ====
In this FL scenario, the Federated Averaging (FedAvg) [10] algorithm was employed as the aggregation method. FedAvg is a fundamental and widely adopted algorithm used to aggregate model updates from multiple clients (or participants) in a FL setting. The primary objective of FedAvg is to allow collaborative model training while preserving data privacy. After local training, clients communicate their model updates (gradients) to the server, where these updates are aggregated to create a global model. The global model is then sent back to the clients that, use it as the starting point for the next round of training. This iterative process continues until the global model converges to a satisfactory solution. The Listing 4.4 describes how FedAvg works in a FL infrastructure: As reader can see, the FedAvg algorithm works by averaging the model updates from individual clients, weighted by the proportion of data samples each client holds. This weighted average ensures that clients with larger datasets have a more significant influence on the global model, while main- taining fairness for clients with smaller datasets. By iteratively aggregating the updates and distributing the global model back to clients, FedAvg en- ables collaborative learning without sharing raw data.
==== Metrics ====
In order to make a good comparison, three of the most common and essential metrics were chosen to evaluate model performance and effectiveness. The chosen metrics are the following: * Loss: The loss function quantifies the dissimilarity between the pre- dicted predicted output of the model and the actual ground truth labels in the training data. It provides a measure of how well the model is perform- ing performing during training. The goal is to minimize the loss function, as a lower loss indicates that the model is better aligned with the training data. * Accuracy: Accuracy is a fundamental metric used to assess the model’s overall performance. It represents the proportion of correctly predicted samples to the total number of samples in the dataset. A higher ac- curacy accuracy indicates that the model is making accurate predictions, while a lower accuracy suggests that the model might need further improve- mentsimprovements. Calculating the accuracy of individual clients in a FL classifi- cation classification problem is important to assess the performance of each client’s local model. This helps in understanding how well each client is adapt- ing adapting to its local data distribution and making accurate predictions. The formula for the accuracy can be simply expressed as follows: It ranges between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates perfect accuracy, meaning correctly predicted sample, and 0 indicates it will always fail in the prediction. * F1-score: The F1-score is a metric that combines both precision and recall to provide a balanced evaluation of the model’s performance, especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets. Precision measures the ratio of correctly predicted positive samples to all predicted positive samples, while recall measures the ratio of correctly predicted positive samples to all actual positive samples. The F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a single metric that considers both aspects.
==== Server-side settings ====
After the choice of the metrics to evaluate, the last thing to decide were the server settings. In fact, two important parameters are missing in this regard: the number of rounds and the number of clients that would have participated in the FL infrastructure. A round represents a communication cycle between clients and the cen- tral central server in the FL training process. During each round, participating clients perform local training using their available local data. Subsequently, the updated model weights trained locally are sent to the central server or coordination node. Here, the weights are centrally aggregated to obtain an updated global model, which represents the combined knowledge of all par- ticipating participating clients. At this point, the round is concluded and the aggregate model is sent back to the clients, who will use this updated model to perform a new round. In this case, the number of rounds chosen for the cloud part is equal to 4 meanwhile for the local part there is a total of 10 rounds. On the server-side, the second parameter to be chosen is the number of clients that will participate in the various rounds of FL. As also seen in the subsection 4.1.1, in In this case, the number of cloud-side clients is 2 while on the local-side is equal to 4.
=== Results ===