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This Technical Note (TN for short) belongs to the series introduced [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1|here]].
This Technical Note (TN for short) belongs to the series introduced [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1|here]].
Specifically, it illustrates the execution of an inference application (fruit classifier) that makes use of the model described in [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1#Reference_application_.231:_fruit_classifier|this section]] when executed on the [https://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/zcu104.html Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 Evaluation Kit]. The results achieved are also compared to the ones produced by the platforms that were considered in the [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1#Articles_in_this_series|previous articles of this series]].
[[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1#Reference_application_.231:_fruit_classifier|this inference application (fruit classifier)]] on the [https://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/zcu104.html Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 Evaluation Kit]. The results achieved are also compared to the ones produced by other platforms discussed in the [[ML-TN-001_-_AI_at_the_edge:_comparison_of_different_embedded_platforms_-_Part_1#Articles_in_this_series|articles of this series]].
==Building the application==
==Building the application==

Revision as of 10:02, 7 October 2020

Info Box
NeuralNetwork.png Applies to Machine Learning
Work in progress

History[edit | edit source]

Version Date Notes
1.0.0 September 2020 First public release

Introduction[edit | edit source]

This Technical Note (TN for short) belongs to the series introduced here. this inference application (fruit classifier) on the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 Evaluation Kit. The results achieved are also compared to the ones produced by other platforms discussed in the articles of this series.

Building the application[edit | edit source]

Training the model[edit | edit source]

Pruning the model[edit | edit source]

conv2d_1/kernel:0    -- Param:      864 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_1/bias:0      -- Param:       32 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_2/kernel:0    -- Param:     9216 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_2/bias:0      -- Param:       32 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_3/kernel:0    -- Param:    18432 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_3/bias:0      -- Param:       64 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_4/kernel:0    -- Param:    73728 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_4/bias:0      -- Param:      128 -- Zeros: 00.00%
dense_1/kernel:0     -- Param:  4718592 -- Zeros: 00.00%
dense_1/bias:0       -- Param:      256 -- Zeros: 00.39%
predictions/kernel:0 -- Param:     1536 -- Zeros: 00.00%
predictions/bias:0   -- Param:        6 -- Zeros: 00.00%
Size of gzipped loaded model: 17801431.00 bytes
Test set
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 214ms/step - loss: 1.3166 - acc: 0.7083

conv2d_1/kernel:0    -- Param:      864 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_1/bias:0      -- Param:       32 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_2/kernel:0    -- Param:     9216 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_2/bias:0      -- Param:       32 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_3/kernel:0    -- Param:    18432 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_3/bias:0      -- Param:       64 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_4/kernel:0    -- Param:    73728 -- Zeros: 00.00%
conv2d_4/bias:0      -- Param:      128 -- Zeros: 00.00%
dense_1/kernel:0     -- Param:  4718592 -- Zeros: 80.00%
dense_1/bias:0       -- Param:      256 -- Zeros: 00.00%
predictions/kernel:0 -- Param:     1536 -- Zeros: 80.01%
predictions/bias:0   -- Param:        6 -- Zeros: 00.00%
Size of gzipped loaded model: 5795289.00 bytes
Test set
1/1 [==============================] - 0s 29ms/step - loss: 1.4578 - acc: 0.6667

Freezing the computational graph[edit | edit source]

Baseline model

INFO:tensorflow:Froze 12 variables.
I1002 09:08:49.716494 140705992206144 graph_util_impl.py:334] Froze 12 variables.
INFO:tensorflow:Converted 12 variables to const ops.
I1002 09:08:49.776397 140705992206144 graph_util_impl.py:394] Converted 12 variables to const ops.

Transform the computational graph[edit | edit source]

Applied transformations

transformations_list = ['remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)', 

Baseline model

describe             : frozen_graph.pb
input feature nodes  : ['images_in']
unused nodes         : []
output nodes         : ['predictions/kernel', 'predictions/bias', 'predictions/MatMul/ReadVariableOp', 'predictions/MatMul', 'predictions/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp', 'predictions/BiasAdd', 'predictions/Softmax']
quantization nodes   : []
constant count       : 16
variable count       : 0
identity count       : 13
total nodes          : 56
Op: Placeholder          -- Name: images_in                     
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_1/kernel               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_1/bias                 
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_1/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_1/Conv2D               
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_1/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_1/BiasAdd              
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_1/Relu                 
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_1/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_2/kernel               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_2/bias                 
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_2/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_2/Conv2D               
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_2/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_2/BiasAdd              
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_2/Relu                 
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_2/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_3/kernel               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_3/bias                 
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_3/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_3/Conv2D               
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_3/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_3/BiasAdd              
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_3/Relu                 
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_3/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_4/kernel               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_4/bias                 
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_4/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_4/Conv2D               
Op: Identity             -- Name: conv2d_4/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_4/BiasAdd              
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_4/Relu                 
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_4/MaxPool             
Op: Shape                -- Name: flatten/Shape                 
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/strided_slice/stack   
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/strided_slice/stack_1 
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/strided_slice/stack_2 
Op: StridedSlice         -- Name: flatten/strided_slice         
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/Reshape/shape/1       
Op: Pack                 -- Name: flatten/Reshape/shape         
Op: Reshape              -- Name: flatten/Reshape               
Op: Const                -- Name: dense_1/kernel                
Op: Const                -- Name: dense_1/bias                  
Op: Identity             -- Name: dense_1/MatMul/ReadVariableOp 
Op: MatMul               -- Name: dense_1/MatMul                
Op: Identity             -- Name: dense_1/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: dense_1/BiasAdd               
Op: Relu                 -- Name: dense_1/Relu                  
Op: Identity             -- Name: dropout_1/Identity            
Op: Const                -- Name: predictions/kernel            
Op: Const                -- Name: predictions/bias              
Op: Identity             -- Name: predictions/MatMul/ReadVariableOp
Op: MatMul               -- Name: predictions/MatMul            
Op: Identity             -- Name: predictions/BiasAdd/ReadVariableOp
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: predictions/BiasAdd           
Op: Softmax              -- Name: predictions/Softmax
describe             : baseline_transf_graph.pb
input feature nodes  : ['images_in']
unused nodes         : []
output nodes         : ['predictions/MatMul', 'predictions/kernel', 'predictions/bias', 'predictions/Softmax', 'predictions/BiasAdd']
quantization nodes   : []
constant count       : 15
variable count       : 0
identity count       : 0
total nodes          : 42
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_1/Conv2D               
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_2/BiasAdd              
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_4/Relu                 
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_3/Conv2D               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_2/kernel               
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_4/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_1/kernel               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_3/kernel               
Op: Placeholder          -- Name: images_in                     
Op: Pack                 -- Name: flatten/Reshape/shape         
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_3/bias                 
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_4/kernel               
Op: Reshape              -- Name: flatten/Reshape               
Op: Shape                -- Name: flatten/Shape                 
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_4/Conv2D               
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_2/bias                 
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_2/MaxPool             
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_1/Relu                 
Op: MatMul               -- Name: predictions/MatMul            
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: dense_1/BiasAdd               
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_1/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/strided_slice/stack   
Op: Const                -- Name: dense_1/kernel                
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_1/BiasAdd              
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/Reshape/shape/1       
Op: Const                -- Name: predictions/kernel            
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_4/BiasAdd              
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_1/bias                 
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_2/Relu                 
Op: Const                -- Name: flatten/strided_slice/stack_1 
Op: Const                -- Name: dense_1/bias                  
Op: Const                -- Name: predictions/bias              
Op: Conv2D               -- Name: conv2d_2/Conv2D               
Op: MaxPool              -- Name: maxpool_3/MaxPool             
Op: Const                -- Name: conv2d_4/bias                 
Op: Relu                 -- Name: dense_1/Relu                  
Op: Relu                 -- Name: conv2d_3/Relu                 
Op: Softmax              -- Name: predictions/Softmax           
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: conv2d_3/BiasAdd              
Op: MatMul               -- Name: dense_1/MatMul                
Op: StridedSlice         -- Name: flatten/strided_slice         
Op: BiasAdd              -- Name: predictions/BiasAdd
Graph accuracy with test dataset: 0.7083
Graph accuracy with test dataset: 0.6667

Quantize the computational graph[edit | edit source]

Baseline model

graph accuracy with test dataset: 0.7083

Pruned model

graph accuracy with test dataset: 0.7083

Compiling the model[edit | edit source]

Baseline model

Kernel topology "custom_cnn_kernel_graph.jpg" for network "custom_cnn"
kernel list info for network "custom_cnn"
                               Kernel ID : Name
                                       0 : custom_cnn_0
                                       1 : custom_cnn_1

                             Kernel Name : custom_cnn_0
                             Kernel Type : DPUKernel
                               Code Size : 0.02MB
                              Param Size : 4.60MB
                           Workload MACs : 498.21MOPS
                         IO Memory Space : 0.52MB
                              Mean Value : 0, 0, 0, 
                      Total Tensor Count : 7
                Boundary Input Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                          images_in:0(0) : 224*224*3

               Boundary Output Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                 predictions_MatMul:0(0) : 1*1*6

                        Total Node Count : 6
                           Input Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                      conv2d_1_Conv2D(0) : 224*224*3

                          Output Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                   predictions_MatMul(0) : 1*1*6

                             Kernel Name : custom_cnn_1
                             Kernel Type : CPUKernel
                Boundary Input Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                predictions_Softmax:0(0) : 1*1*6

               Boundary Output Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                predictions_Softmax:0(0) : 1*1*6

                           Input Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                     predictions_Softmax : 1*1*6

                          Output Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                     predictions_Softmax : 1*1*6

Pruned model

Kernel topology "pruned_custom_cnn_kernel_graph.jpg" for network "pruned_custom_cnn"
kernel list info for network "pruned_custom_cnn"
                               Kernel ID : Name
                                       0 : pruned_custom_cnn_0
                                       1 : pruned_custom_cnn_1

                             Kernel Name : pruned_custom_cnn_0
                             Kernel Type : DPUKernel
                               Code Size : 0.02MB
                              Param Size : 4.60MB
                           Workload MACs : 498.21MOPS
                         IO Memory Space : 0.52MB
                              Mean Value : 0, 0, 0, 
                      Total Tensor Count : 7
                Boundary Input Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                          images_in:0(0) : 224*224*3

               Boundary Output Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                 predictions_MatMul:0(0) : 1*1*6

                        Total Node Count : 6
                           Input Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                      conv2d_1_Conv2D(0) : 224*224*3

                          Output Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                   predictions_MatMul(0) : 1*1*6

                             Kernel Name : pruned_custom_cnn_1
                             Kernel Type : CPUKernel
                Boundary Input Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                predictions_Softmax:0(0) : 1*1*6

               Boundary Output Tensor(s)   (H*W*C)
                predictions_Softmax:0(0) : 1*1*6

                           Input Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                     predictions_Softmax : 1*1*6

                          Output Node(s)   (H*W*C)
                     predictions_Softmax : 1*1*6

Testing and performances[edit | edit source]