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ETRA SBC/Interfaces and Connectors/Console

Issue Date Notes


First Release
2023/08/30 Update console information


Console interfaceEdit


The Console interface available on the Evaluation Kit at the connector J2.

J2 is a 4 pin (4x1x2.54mm) header connector for the two-wires USART1 port, used for debug purposes (bootloader and operating system serial console).

Console connector


The following table describes the interface signals:

Pin# SOM Pin# Pin name Pin function Pin Notes
1 J18.187 UART TX Transmit line
2 J18.189 UART RX Receive line
3 - 3V3_CB Power output This pin can be used to power an RS232 transceiver
4 - DGND Ground

Device mappingEdit

USART1 is mapped to /dev/ttySTM0 device in Linux. The peripheral is used as the default serial console, both for the bootloader and the kernel.

Device usageEdit

To connect to the debug serial port:

  1. connect the UART to USB transceiver to J2 connector
  2. start your favorite terminal emulator software on PC (eg: PuTTY); communication parameters are: 115200,N,8,1