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DESK-MX-L-AN-0006: Debugging with Eclipse

Revision as of 16:01, 31 March 2016 by U0008 (talk | contribs)



Generally speaking, Managed Virtual Machines including Yocto build system provide all the required stuff to remotely debug applications running on the target, via Eclipse/ADT. It is beyond the scope of this article to describe in detail how to use Eclipse[a]. Instead some MVM-related information are provided, in order to properly configure it to work with DAVE Embedded Systems products. For more details about Eclipse, please refer to these links:

Eclipse integration in MVMEdit

By default, cross-tool chain is intalled in TBD.

target-specific source code paths:

Configuring the Cross-ToolchainsEdit

  • Run Eclipse program:




To configure the Cross Compiler Options, you must select the type of toolchain, point to the toolchain, specify the sysroot location, and select the target architecture.

  • Select "Preferences" from the "Windows" menu.


  • Select "Yocto Project ADT", add the cross-toolchain configuration and save the profile as your project name ("targetname" in this case). Click "Apply" and "OK".



The following example shows how to build and debug classical "Hello, world!" example when working with SBC Lynx Embedded Linux Kit (XUELK).

  1. Please note that Eclipse is not just a debugger, it is a full-featured IDE that allows to manage and build complex projects with a powerful user-friendly graphical interface.