Boot sequence (Naon)

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Naon am387x-dm814x.png Applies to Naon

Default boot sequence[edit | edit source]

DM8148 provides several boot sequences selectable via BTMODE[4:0] bootstrap pins. In order to fully understand how boot work on Naon platform, please read Memory organization first.

By default, Naon provides the following configuration:

  • BTMODE[15]: 0
  • BTMODE[14:13]: 10
  • BTMODE[12]: 1
  • BTMODE[11]: 0
  • BTMODE[10]: 0
  • BTMODE[9:8]: 01
  • BTMODE[7:5]: 000
  • BTMODE[4:0]: 10111.

Thus default boot sequence is:

  1. MMC
  2. SPI
  3. UART
  4. EMAC.

Assuming default configuration is not changed and no boot MMC card is connected to processor's MMC1 interface, the actual boot sequence performed by ARM core will be:

  1. bootrom: this is executed from internal ROM code memory
  2. U-Boot bootloader (1st stage)
    • copied from on-board NOR flash memory connected to SPI0 port to on-chip SRAM by bootrom
    • executed from on-chip SRAM
  3. U-Boot bootloader (2nd stage)
    • copied by U-Boot 1st stage from NOR flash memory connected to SPI0 port to SDRAM
    • executed from SDRAM.

Boot sequence options[edit | edit source]

Boot sequence can be changed by optional external circuitry implemented on carrier board as described by Integration guide.

Peripheral boot details[edit | edit source]

UART Booting[edit | edit source]

When UART boot is selected the bootrom output a sequence of CCC characters on serial console (as usual 115200 8N1). While the C are being written, bootrom waits for a XMODEM transfer to start.

Bootrom waits for nearly 3 seconds before timeout the XMODEM transaction and go to the next step in the configured boot sequence.

A detailed explanation of UART booting is available into the U-Boot section on TI wiki.

MMC Booting[edit | edit source]

When MMC boot option is selected