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Example #1: HelloWorld application
This section describes how to run freeRTOS HelloWorld example application on BORA using AMP (Linux + FreeRTOS). Plese follow the steps listed below:
* Place all the binary files into the host tftp directory:
** Kernel {{efn|The kernel must be built with the <code>UIMAGE_LOADADDR 0x8000</code> option. Please refer to [[Building_Linux_kernel_(1BELK)|this page]] for more details.}}.: <code>uImage</code>
** Device Tree: <code>bora.dtb</code>
** First stage bootloader: <code>bora_FSBL.bin</code>
* Reset the board to reboot with the new FSBL
* Add the following U-Boot environment variables (2):
setenv addcons 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=${console},115200n8 cma=16M debug maxcpus=${nr_cpus}'
setenv fpga_file BELK/bora_design_wrapper.bin
**:<pre>program_fpga</pre>: Loads FPGA binary from TFTP and programs the bitstream
**:<pre>load_freertos</pre>: Loads freertos application binary from TFTP and writes application start address for core #2
**:<pre>mem=${kernel_memory}</pre>: sets maximum kernel memory (1008M = 1024M - 16M)
**:<pre>maxcpus=${nr_cpus}</pre>: sets maximum Linux cores to 1
Boot the system running the following command:
run net_nfs
(1) The kernel must be built with the UIMAGE_LOADADDR 0x8000 option. Please refer to section 3.4.3 of the Belk Quick Start Guide.
(2) <pre>program_fpga</pre>: Loads FPGA binary from TFTP and programs the bitstream
<pre>load_freertos</pre>: Loads freertos application binary from TFTP and writes application start address for core #2
<pre>mem=${kernel_memory}</pre>: sets maximum kernel memory (1008M = 1024M - 16M)
<pre>maxcpus=${nr_cpus}</pre>: sets maximum Linux cores to 1
====Example #2: RPMsg-based application====