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DESK-XZ7-L/Deployment/Standalone boot

414 bytes removed, 10:45, 21 November 2022
Program boot images into SD card
=== Program boot images into SD card ===
Update to the latest u-boot version allows usage of u-boot environment variables available.
mmc_update=mmc dev; setexpr blocks ${filesize} / 0x200; setexpr blocks ${blocks} + 1; mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blocks}
Load u-boot binary form a <code>tftp</code> server:
<pre class="workstation-terminal">
=> run load
=> run mmc_update
==== Create the SD card partitions ====
The SD card should have at least 2 partition:
* the first must be an FAT32 partition (type <code>b</code>) with size of at least 64MB
* the second is a normal linux partition (type <code>83</code>) of at least 512M with ext3/ext4 filesystem
==== Creating Create the SD card from nfs boot partitions ====
* Boot the system via SD or NFS as described in the e [[(<KIT>)#Quick_start_guide|Quick start guide]]
* SD device has to be partitioned and properly formatted choosing the <code>file system</code> for each partition