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Uses cases with Naon Embedded Linux Kit

Info Box
Naon am387x-dm814x.png Applies to Naon
Maya 03.png Applies to Maya
Dido-main.png Applies to Dido
Dds vista tre quarti.png Applies to NaonEVB-Lite
Naon-evb-mid top.png Applies to NaonEVB-Mid



This page lists some statistics and information about real use cases based on Naon Embedded Linux Kit (NELK).

Gstreamer-based applicationsEdit

For the sake of completeness, for each use case the full command line used to run the test application is provided. System software is based on Naon Embedded Linux Kit (NELK).

N.B.: before launching the gst pipelines, it is required to source the /home/root/ included into the NELK root file system, which sets the following environment variables:

export GST_REGISTRY=/home/root/gst-nelk_registry.bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gst/lib
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/gst/lib/gstreamer-0.10
export PATH=/opt/gst/bin:$PATH
export GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER=/opt/gst/libexec/gstreamer-0.10/gst-plugin-scanner

Video decoding and playingEdit

Output is HDMI port connected to Full HD 46" TV screen.

CPU usage refers to the process under test as reported by top application.

Use case #1Edit

  • Description: playing H264 RAW video 1920x1080@25fps
  • CPU usage: 30%
decode_display_a8host_debug.xv5T -w 1920 -h 1080 -f 25 -i /home/root/working-dir/battleship-ressurrecting_h1080p.h264

Use case #2Edit

  • Description: playing H264 MP4 video 1920x1080@30fps demuxed video only
  • CPU usage: 12%
gst-launch filesrc location="/home/root/working-dir/1080p-131852575.mp4" ! qtdemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! queue !  nal2bytestream_h264  !  omx_h264dec ! omx_scaler ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink

Use case #3Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hrdware decoded)
    • video #1: H264 Raw 1920x1080 @25fps
    • video #2: H264 Raw 848x360 @25fps
  • CPU usage: 65%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1920 sink_00::outHeight=816  sink_01::outX=0 sink_01::outY=0 sink_01::outWidth=848 sink_01::outHeight=360 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/480p-ice-int.h264 ! 'video/x-h264' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! mix. filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/iceage4-1080p.h264 ! 'video/x-h264' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! mix.

Use case #4Edit

This section shows some different video combinations with overlayed text.

Use case #4.1Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hardware decoded)
    • video #1: H264 Raw 1920x1080 @25fps with ClockOverlay
    • video #2: H264 Raw 848x360 @25fps
  • CPU usage: 95%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1920 sink_00::outHeight=816  sink_01::outX=360 sink_01::outY=150 sink_01::outWidth=848 sink_01::outHeight=360 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/480p-ice-int.h264 ! 'video/x-h264' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! mix. filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/iceage4-1080p.h264 ! 'video/x-h264' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! clockoverlay halign=left valign=bottom text="UTC time:" shaded-background=true ! mix.

Use case #4.2Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hardware decoded) with no overlap
    • video #1: H264 Raw 1920x1080 @25fps rescaled in hardware to 1280x720
    • video #2: H264 Raw 848x360 @25fps with ClockOverlay
  • CPU usage: 95%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1280 sink_00::outHeight=720  sink_01::outX=1072 sink_01::outY=720 sink_01::outWidth=848 sink_01::outHeight=360 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/480p-ice-int.h264 ! 'video/x-h264,framerate=(fraction)30000/1252' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! clockoverlay halign=center valign=bottom text="UTC time:" shaded-background=true ! mix. filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/battleship-ressurrecting_h1080p.h264 ! 'video/x-h264,framerate=(fraction)30000/1252' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! mix.
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP

Use case #4.3Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hardware decoded)
    • video #1: H264 MP4 1920x1080 @30fps demuxed only video
    • video #2: H264 Raw 848x360 @25fps with ClockOverlay
  • CPU usage: 92%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1920 sink_00::outHeight=1080  sink_01::outX=360 sink_01::outY=150 sink_01::outWidth=848 sink_01::outHeight=360 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false filesrc location=/home/root/working-dir/480p-ice-int.h264 ! 'video/x-h264' ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! clockoverlay halign=center valign=bottom text="UTC time:" shaded-background=true ! mix. filesrc location="/home/root/working-dir/1080p-131852575.mp4" ! qtdemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! queue !  nal2bytestream_h264 ! omx_h264dec ! mix.
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP

Use case #4.4Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hardware decoded)
    • video #1: H264 MP4 1920x1080 @30fps demuxed only video
    • video #2: Streaming H264 video only, 320x240 rescaled in HW to 848x360 with Clockoverlay
  • CPU usage: 30%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1920 sink_00::outHeight=1080 sink_01::outX=360 sink_01::outY=150 sink_01::outWidth=848 sink_01::outHeight=360 ! omx_ctrl display-code=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtph264depay ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! clockoverlay halign=center valign=bottom text="UTC time:" shaded-background=true ! mix. filesrc location="/home/root/working-dir/1080p-131852575.mp4" ! qtdemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! queue !  nal2bytestream_h264 ! omx_h264dec ! mix.

Use case #4.5Edit

  • Description: Stream H264 320x240 rescaled at 800x600
  • CPU usage: 9%
gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtph264depay ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! omx_scaler ! '
video/x-raw-yuv,width=800,height=600' !omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false

Use case #4.6Edit

  • Description: playing two videos (both are hardware decoded)
    • video #1: H264 MP4 1920x1080 @30fps demuxed only video
    • video #2: Streaming H264 video only, 320x240 rescaled in HW to 800x600 with Clockoverlay
  • CPU usage: 35%
gst-launch omx_videomixer port-index=0 framerate=25 name=mix sink_00::outX=0 sink_00::outY=0 sink_00::outWidth=1920 sink_00::outHeight=1080 sink_01::outX=360 sink_01::outY=150 sink_01::outWidth=800 sink_01::outHeight=600 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! omx_videosink sync=false rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtph264depay ! h264parse access-unit=true ! omx_h264dec ! clockoverlay halign=center valign=bottom text="UTC time:" shaded-background=true ! mix. filesrc location="/home/root/working-dir/1080p-131852575.mp4" ! qtdemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! queue !  nal2bytestream_h264! omx_h264dec ! mix.
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP

Video capture and encodingEdit

V4L2 1080p60 Capture/HDMI displayEdit

  • Description:
    • 1080p60 video is captured from VIN0A using v4l2src gstreamer component
    • output displayed on HDMI at the same resolution
gst-launch -v v4l2src device="/dev/video0" always-copy=false queue-size=6 num-buffers=-1 ! 'video/x-raw-yuv-strided,format=(fourcc)NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=(fraction)60/1' ! omxbufferalloc silent=false numBuffers=6 ! omx_scaler ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! gstperf ! omx_videosink sync=false

V4L2 1080p60 Capture/H264 encoding/HDMI displayEdit

  • Description:
    • 1080p60 video is captured from VIN0A using v4l2src gstreamer component
    • DEI/Scaler is used to split the source
    • the former goes to H264 encoder (result saved to file)
    • the latter goes to HDMI output
gst-launch v4l2src device="/dev/video0" always-copy=false queue-size=12 num-buffers=1000 ! 'video/x-raw-yuv-strided,format=(fourcc)NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=(fraction)60/1' ! omxbufferalloc silent=false numBuffers=12 ! omx_mdeiscaler name=d d.src_01 !  omx_h264enc force-idr-period=300 i-period=100 bitrate=5000000 ! filesink location=v4l2cap.h264  d.src_00 ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! gstperf ! omx_videosink display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60

V4L2 Capture, decimatedEdit

  • Description
    • 1080p50 video is captured from VIN1A using v4l2src
    • input is decimated to 10 fps, using the same v4l2src
    • output is displayed on HDMI
gst-launch -v v4l2src device="/dev/video2" always-copy=false queue-size=12 num-buffers=-1 decimate=5 ! 'video/x-raw-yuv-strided,format=(fourcc)NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=(fraction)50/1' ! omxbufferalloc silent=false numBuffers=12 ! omx_scaler ! omx_ctrl display-mode=OMX_DC_MODE_1080P_60 ! gstperf ! omx_videosink sync=false

v4l2-based applicationsEdit

This section provides some examples of applications based on well-known API.


This sample program capture a video stream on v4l2 input and display the frames on v4l2 output. More information regarding the software can be found on this TI wiki article.

UVCcapture ToolEdit

This utility take a snapshot for USB WebCAM using v4l2 driver class uvc

download uvccapture, compile it on target

$ wget
$ tar xvjf
$ cd uvccapture-0.5
$ make clean
$ make all
$ uvccapture -v -d/dev/video0 -x1280 -y720 -t0 -osnapshot.jpg -q95

Dual EMAC mode (NaonEVB-Lite)Edit

The two Ethernet interfaces on can be used as:

  • Ethernet switch: Linux sees only one Ethernet interface and packets are routed between the two ports like a standard Ethernet switch does.
  • Dual EMAC Mode: Linux sees two independent Ethernet interfaces and packet are routed between the two like a Ethernet router does.

The default configuration provided with Naon Embedded Linux Kit (NELK) is Dual EMAC Mode, where eth0 is the on-board 10/100Mbit Ethernet interface, while eth1 is the Gigabit interface.

The official TI documentation to enable and use Dual EMAC is here

Please note that no routing is enabled between the two interface is Dual EMAC mode by default. Linux userspace tool should be used to configure VLAN tagging and packet routing rules.

Extending the root file systemEdit

NELK root file system derives directly from the one delivered along with TI EZSDK. In order to enrich it by installing new pre-built packages, well-known opkg tool comes to help.

The following instructions describes how to configure opkg in order to add more packages in order to provide a richer set of libraries, tools and applications.

To configure opgk to retrieve pre-built packages from angstrom repository, please follow these instructions:

$ echo "src/gz angstrom-base" >> /etc/opkg/opkg.conf
$ opkg update

Please note that packages provided by angstrom repository are not optimized for DM8148 media hardware blocks such as video codec. For this reason, pay attention to not replace DM8148-optimized applications and libraries provided by default root file system.