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DAVE Developer's Wiki β



411 bytes added, 15:23, 7 February 2022
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/* CSS placed here will affect users style the background of the Vector skin sidebar section headers */.mediawiki div#pmw-navigationpanel div.portal h3 {border-image: url("") 30round;border font-topsize: 1px solid black80%; border-left padding: 1px solid black0.5em;border background-rightcolor: 1px solid black#ededed; border-bottomradius: 1px solid black2px;
 /* text styles for sidebar headers */.mediawiki div#pmw-tbpanel div.portal h3,div#pageWrapper div#mw-panel h3 a {border text-image: url("httpstransform://") 30rounduppercase;border font-topweight: 1px solid blackbold; border-left color: 1px solid black#2f2f2f;border} /* Make clickable text on links invisible. */#n-righthi1 {color: 1px solid black#f6f6f6;borderfont-bottomsize: 1px solid black0em;
content: '';
width: 48px150px;height: 48px150pxbackground: url('');} /* Every image need to have its own rule defined. */#n-hi1::after{background: url('');} #n-hi1:hover ::after {background: url('');}#n-hi1:hover ::after, #n-hi1 ::after{background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: contain;}
background#mw-panel .portal .body li#n-hi1 {font-size: url('https0em;padding://"')10px;
dave_user, Administrators