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Axel Embedded Linux Kit (XELK)

794 bytes added, 17:29, 31 October 2013
XELK microSD Layout
** Linux kernel source tree cloned from DAVE's public git repository
** Toolchain
** Root file systems:*** LTIB - root file system provided by Freescale with the BSP and built with LTIB (/home/dvdk/xelk/rfs/ltib). This is the default root file system*** Yocto - root file system built with the Yocto build system (/home/dvdk/xelk/rfs/yocto). Since Yocto is not officially supported by Freescale, this is a preliminary version, included in the XELK 1.0.0 release as a preview of the future advancements. ltib: root file system provided by Freescale with the BSP and built with LTIB (/home/dvdk/xelk/rfs/ltib). This is the default root file systemyocto: root file system built with the Yocto build system (/home/dvdk/xelk/rfs/yocto). Since Yocto is not officially supported by Freescale, this is a preliminary version, included in the XELK 1.0.0 release as a preview of the future advancements.
Please note that XELK u-boot and kernel source trees are derived from the official trees released by Freescale; these trees have been customized to add support for the Axel SOM.

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